I think everyone has seen or heard about anime. I also know that a lot of people don't like or even can't stand such kinds of animated movies , but most of them don't have much information about it, about it's genres or a plot. Some say it's only for children or anime is not serious. But I can't agree with them. Films of Hayao Miyadzaki, for example, are full of wisdom, kindness and touches questions conserning our life.
Then they say that they don't like anime because of it's strange characters who always have enormous big eyes. But there is a great amount of anime films where character are painted true to life.
So, my questions are: if you are fond of anime, what genre do you prefer and what anime is your favorite one?
And if you are not - why don't you like this kind of cartoons?
And if you are not - why don't you like this kind of cartoons?
There you can find informaton about anime and otaku in Russian
There you can find informaton about anime and otaku in English
If you are interested in otaku, you should see this presentation
With best regards, Kamenova Anfisa
I personally don't like this subculture at all. I find it useless. I'm sure this subculture spoils our teenagers.
ОтветитьУдалитьWhy do you think,that this subculture spoils our teenagers? I can`t agree with you.
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ОтветитьУдалитьAs for me, I don't understand those who are obsessed with those cartoons or manghwa. Anime pictures look absolutely awful with those eyes that take half of the face, thin mouths that can, though, open so wide the character can easily stick someone's head in, and the lack of noses is quite disturbing.
ОтветитьУдалитьI must say the plot of the anime can be exciting, extremely interesting, but the quality of the paintings is unbearable, I'm afraid.
I've never been fond of anime. Of course, I've seen two or three cartoons, but I can't say I really got interested in it.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think people there are too unrealistic.
I've never watched the anime, but heard about this genre a lot of . I saw pictures, I can not say that I liked, although originally.
ОтветитьУдалитьAs for me, I was fond of anime when I studied in the eighth form. I tried to draw manga pictures and even to learn Japanese! I still like this style.
ОтветитьУдалитьI can say, anime is not to my liking,but tastes differ, you know. I prefer Russian Cartoons, but inspite of this fact, I guess, there is something interesting in anime. I hear, they have some kind of symbolism, I think it is very exciting.
ОтветитьУдалитьWell I can't say I'm fond of anime. But I like to see people cosplay.
ОтветитьУдалитьIt looks like a really fun thing to do. Some cosplayers are just awesome!
I personally don`t like this kind of cartoons, because I find it boring.