пятница, 30 марта 2012 г.

Hello, my dear friends!Some researchers argue that the listeners of hard rock and metal above the desire for aggression and depression. However, psychologists agree that this is not a consequence and cause drag heavy music. Besides that, the respondents showing negative trends feel better and more confident after listening to your favorite music. According to them, heavy aggressive music helps them to throw out the negative emotions, do not hoard them in yourself. Thus, some metalheads, consciously or unconsciously use the metal as a means of therapy. So, what do you feel while listening to this kind of music?More information in English you can find in my slide in our presentation and on my site page
Also you can find some information in Russian on my Wiki-Page
The author is Мухортова Екатерина

8 комментариев:

  1. I've never listened to such music. It isn't to my liking. And I personally think hard rock is torture for ears.

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  3. Many men - many minds. I'm, personaly, not against of metal or other heavy music. Just the other way round, there are a lot of unusiall bands which combine different styles, for example Eluveitie, Ensiferum (folk+metal) which are my favourite. It realy helps to forget your problems and when I feel that depression is coming, I switch the heaviest music on my computer and relax - it sounds strange, but it is really so.

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  5. Of course it is part of the culture of metals, but I do not like this music, I find it hard to listen to. Metal music is very loud, fast, and without meaning,i think so.

  6. I don't want to offend anyone, but I don't even call many pieces of this music. I can't stand all those noises and shouts, and the aggression there isn't a pleasant thing, too. We have enough of that without any music. But still, if someone likes it or it helps him in any way, then it's good, as long as I don't have to hear it.

  7. I guess, it is impossible to listen to hard rock very often, but sometimes it is almost necessary. It helps me to switch my attention to different things. Sometimes I can listen to it when I am in a good mood and want to go deep in music.

  8. I like metal. There is always a metal song that fits every mood I'm in, and stuff like that.
    Besides it is not very marketable. Therefore it makes sense to me that the majority of the music is made for the sake of music, not for making money or winning awards or getting onto some charts.
